Wow. Talk about a relentless pummeling of news (and sports) coverage recently!
Let's begin with last Thursday’s hockey game which saw the Canucks start their 2nd round series against the Nashville Predators. Canucks won, BTW.
Friday we witnessed the Royal Wedding (which I have to admit I enjoyed more than I expected to), followed immediately by coverage (never-ending it seemed) of the death of Osama bin Ladin (or, if you prefer, Osama bin Photoshopped; I saw this as graffiti scrawled on a City traffic sign yesterday afternoon).
Saturday: Hockey play-offs game 2 of Canucks vs Predators. Overtime into 5 periods produced a Predators victory. And not a moment too soon either, I might add.
Sunday: believe it or not, if memory serves me correctly, we didn’t watch any TV. I'll update you later if I think of anything.
Monday was the Canadian federal election. Stephen Harper finally has his majority government. That’s OK with me, although I didn’t vote for him. At least we won’t waste another 300 million bucks on another election until 2015. Four elections in the last 7 years is a bit silly, in my humble opinion. And I wasn’t unhappy to see the implosion of the Bloc. Plus the Greens now have a seat in the Commons. I think Elizabeth May will be a positive influence in Ottawa. You sure can’t fault her for lack of tenacity!
And finally last night, Tuesday evening, was game 3 in the hockey series in which Vancouver took a 3-2 lead.
That’s 14 hours of television viewing in the last 6 days.
However there’s nothing of interest emerging on the TV horizon tonight. Time to get off the couch and…
Wait a minute. Isn’t American Idol on tonight?