Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

“Daze” One and Two

Just after Trump’s win I remember reading a Tweet reportedly from Dubya, something to the effect of, “So…do ya miss me now?” Of course it may well have been (probably was) someone’s idea of humour, and I found it to be a funny anecdote during a depressing election result.
Now is definitely the time to be searching for bits of light peeking out from under a reportedly 270 lb behemoth. Two days into his reign and we’ve already been witness to multiple rapid-fire executive orders, such as:
·         Day 1 (Jan. 23, 2017) Pulled the US out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (“Great thing for the American worker, what we just did.”);
·         Confirmed intention to re-negotiate NAFTA (“We will cooperate on trilateral (US, Canada and Mexico) matters when it’s in our interest…”);
·         Implemented a hiring freeze in the federal government, “except for the military”;
·         Delayed implementation of a rule allowing Argentine farmers to export lemons to the US after a decade of talks;
·         Dismissed as “totally without merit” a lawsuit against him that accuses him of breaching a clause in the Constitution that forbids a US president from accepting foreign payments. Apparently he is retaining his financial stake in his businesses while saying he has handed over control of said businesses to his two adult sons;
·         Day 2 (Jan. 24, 2017) The signing of another executive order, this time for progressing with two controversial pipelines: the Keystone XL from northern Alberta to Texas, and the Dakota Access pipeline;
·         Another executive order expedites environmental reviews to allow for prompt approvals on construction projects. (Because after all, shouldn’t the emphasis be shifted from environmental concerns to more important matters like not impeding construction projects? I also like the comment Trump reportedly made during talks with US auto executives on Tuesday that he was personally “to a large extent an environmentalist…” I’m certainly relieved to hear that!)
·         Reportedly banned all employees of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) from discussing their work on social media or with the press. (This one reminds me of Stephen Harper’s gag order on Canadian scientists during his term of office. Wouldn't want science to get in the way of progress, now would we?);
·         And finally, for a bit of comic relief, “the President does believe there was voter fraud” despite winning the election. He is insisting he won the popular vote despite official results. Isn’t this “having to win everything” mentality becoming a bit stale?
Oh, and of course there was the inconsequential (according to Trump) matter of the women’s protest marches occurring internationally over the weekend. In the US the women’s demonstrations reportedly accounted for the largest day of protest in American history.
I’ve already peaked at tomorrow’s headlines, but since I learned all of the above content from the published Vancouver Sun newspaper, I will refrain from posting any more juicy tidbits until I receive tomorrow’s edition, lest your heads explode from Trump over-exposure. But really, can there ever be too much Trump? If you’re referring to Doonesbury Trump I say “No”.
Ultimately I suppose Canada has no real reason to worry. According to Stephen Schwarzman, a billionaire businessman chairing Trump’s team of economic advisers, Canada/US relations are “a model for the way that trade relations should be.

Donald "Homie" Trump (BTW, no disrespect intended to "The Simpsons")

Monday, January 23, 2017

Shock and Awe

Who knew the Republicans would revive their “Shock and Awe” theme? Wow, didn’t see that coming. This new guy really is full of surprises. Well, he’s certainly full of something anyway. The “Shock and Awe” of which I refer is of course the fantastically outlandish White House claim concerning the (dare I say?) "huge" crowd estimates attending the Women’s March this past Saturday versus the smaller crowd that attended the new President’s inauguration.

When I watched the new regime’s first press conference (if you’d blinked, you would have missed it) I actually thought it was a continuation of repeats of this weekend’s SNL skits I’d been watching on Youtube.

Again (which may well be the theme of this presidency), the comedy just writes itself. And it would be a whole helluva lot funnier if it wasn’t true.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Motorcycle Show 2017 at Tradex in Abbotsford

Jeff and I attended the new motorcycle show at the Tradex Centre in Abbotsford on Saturday. It's the annual drool fest of new two-wheeled toys from all the major manufacturers. I'm not planning to trade up at the moment but there are a few models I've been keeping my eye on and this event is always a good low-pressure atmosphere to swing a leg over a few bikes.

Ducati Scrambler
A new (but actually old) category has been introduced in the last 2 or 3 years; the Scrambler. It's actually a re-introduction of the genesis of the modern dirt bike. It's essentially been taken back to its roots.

Back in the late 1960s and early 70s dirt bikes didn't yet exist. I'm not sure if Honda was the first, but the history I am aware of is that someone in R&D modified the exhaust pipe of a CB400 (or similar model), installed more aggressive off-road tires and marketed a motorcycle made for exploring unpaved roads. The "Scrambler" as it was known was an instant hit. More modifications rapidly followed, specifically more suspension travel thus creating the dirt bike phenomenon .

Fast forward 50 years and nostalgia has gripped the motorcycle world. Perhaps it's all just a marketing ploy aimed at Hipsters but despite being outside that age category I've been attracted to the new Scrambler revolution since the very first prototype photo I saw. A couple of years ago there were only two players, and unfortunately they were expensive European entries: BMW and Ducati. Nonetheless I dutifully attended the new bike show to see them in person and see how they felt ergonomically. I remained as instantly drawn to the BMW in person as I had been when viewing it online.

BMW RnineT Scambler
Curiously, since last year only one Japanese manufacturer has entered into the Scrambler fray: Yamaha. I'm a bit of a Yamaha aficionado having owned four of them over the years. Their entry is a 900 model which I've read about, watched Youtube videos about and was anxious to experience in person.

Yamaha SCR950 Scrambler
I like it visually except for one glaring deficiency in my opinion: the low-slung exhaust. I hope there's an option for an upswept exhaust pipe. I think this street bike exhaust system defeats the purpose. Naturally I swung a  leg over it and immediately bashed the side of my shin on the right side foot peg. Yamaha's answer to exhaust pipe clearance seems to be to spread the footpegs wider which for me makes for an awkward seating position. Maybe I'm just too used to sportbike posture and I'd get used to this one, but it just seems to me the obvious solution is to supply it with an upswept exhaust as standard equipment.

Ultimately I'm happy that this year there is at least one more entrant in the Scrambler category, but I really thought all of the Japanese "big four" would quickly jump in. Not so far at least.

Anyway, as I said, I'm not ready to purchase a new motorcycle now, but I'm always ready to kick the tires of the new models.

Saturday, January 21, 2017

March (in January)

I'm posting a bit of inspiration on this impromptu Women's March day, a protest against the new US president (he whose name shall not be spoken). This note has been posted on the north wall of the Foundation restaurant in Vancouver for years and I've read it many times. It just seems fitting today.

The Foundation restaurant in Vancouver (image courtesy of Google Maps, at least until I have time to stop by and take a photo myself. I thought it to be important to post it today considering the international protests taking  place.

Monday, January 16, 2017

Winter sunrises

I've discovered another pleasure of early morning running; photography. It's almost too easy with an iPhone. I carry the silly thing with me anyway for its running app.

Deer Lake sunrise in late November.

False Creek on Jan. 14, 2017.
And to think some people actually sleep through this time of day. ;-)

"Trump Inauguration" - Yes, The Donald!

It just keeps getting better and better...

Any bets that The Donald won't tweet something in response? This TV guide write-up just guaranteed I'll be glued to the telly this Friday evening.

I guess we should all take some comfort in the fact that some things in life remain completely predictable. I mean, didja see the SNL episode? Come-on Donnie, it was pretty funny. :-)

Trump doesn't seem to understand what's really going on here. Most people learned this stuff on the elementary school playground at recess. Perhaps after a fist fight or two, but still, eventually it should sink in, "Don't take the bait". If you react loudly and predictably every time you're provoked, they'll tease you relentlessly, just for the sheer spectacle of it. Not that I should be accused of giving the President-elect any advice. His Tweets might be the only bits of humour we'll get out of him for the whole four years of his presidency.

Saturday, January 7, 2017


Snow-removal salt anyone? Anyone?  :-)

Monday, January 2, 2017


Happy belated New Year. And Happy Birthday to me. Looks like I got a white birthday this year. Whether I wanted it or not remains to be seen. However yesterday our New Year's Day/Happy (early) Birthday celebration was quite well attended despite the road conditions. From what I saw this morning the main arterial routes are bare and dry. Different story entirely for the side streets and back lanes. I was talking to my neighbour this afternoon and he showed me a video of his daughter skating in the intersection of cross streets just a block away from us. I'd heard on the local news of people doing that but hadn't seen it myself until then. To use a well-worn and incredibly over-used description, it is definitely an ice rink out there. I now have a nasty bruise near my elbow to prove it. Got it this morning walking Tannah attempting to cross a side street.

This is our back lane.

The North Shore mountains.

Believe it or not, this is the condition of a typical intersection in my
neighbourhood. Looks pretty, but don't try walking on it! 
And as much as I visually like the sight of snow and ice, I am getting kind of tired of it. A bit too much shoveling, slipping and falling involved. Spoken like a true west coaster I suppose.

The forecast is for clear and cold conditions for the next few days with more snow predicted for next weekend. I remember a big winter storm that was reported in Toronto a few years ago that rather turned into the butt of a joke since the Army was called in to help with snow clearing. But in Vancouver's current condition I'd suggest bringing in a Zamboni or two.  :-)