Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Thursday, February 16, 2017

"On A Steel Horse I Ride"

Mom and I took in the Cavalia Odysseo experience that is currently playing at False Creek in Vancouver this past weekend. It's quite a spectacle. At the beginning they request no photography during the show because flashes might distract and/or potentially cause harm to the performers, both human and equine. It was only later that I realized I could have gotten a few good shots without a flash; modern iPhones are that good. But then again, I really wanted to just sit and experience the show like one would have done in the good ol' days, without any electronic distractions. There are plenty of good Cavalia photos and videos on the internet. 

Of course the expected merch was well represented, and not unexpectantly it wasn’t cheap, but there were pieces on display outside near the entrance to the tent that I hadn’t expected; life size welded-metal horses! Pretty cool. But, as the saying goes, if you have to ask the price, it’s likely beyond your price range.

Spring is in the Air

Only 1 week ago we were wondering how (or if) Shauna was going to get to the airport the next morning for her trip to Quebec City. We already had about 6-7" of snow on the ground with up to 6 more inches predicted for the following morning, then turning to rain (i.e., slush).

But look at it today. Crocuses and Snow Drops have not only sprouted, but they're blooming! And the only snow left is in big piles, deposited by many shovels last week.

I think Tannah smelled more of the resident raccoon population than the flowers.

Snow Drops


Thursday, February 9, 2017

They’re Killing Us Softly (“You Betcha!”)

If we weren’t so far linearly removed from April Fool’s Day I would have dismissed this morning’s news byte as well-deserved humour amidst the recent barrage of US Executive Orders. But…it sounds like there could be US blow-back to Canada after all from Trump’s electoral smash & grab, either for Canada’s real-world immigration policy, or perhaps because nobody’d give ol’ Trumpy so much as a “thank-you” for a shirtless photo-bomb like our man JT, or even Trumpy’s man-crush Putin. No talk of a wall (yet) as with Mexico, but it’s almost sounding like a wall would be welcome news in place of what I just heard this morning (perhaps Canada could assertively launch a pre-emptive mission to erect a wall around Alaska).
The name in this morning’s report (from CBC no less) was “Palin”. And the context was potential US Ambassador to Canada. And no, unfortunately I’m not referring to Michael Palin of Monty Python fame. The question then becomes, does the White House really feel a need to step up to the plate every time Walmart denies entrance greeter employment to a past Republican party stalwart?
Honestly, I do regularly try to stay positive, but seriously, another addition to the DC Comic Strip “As the Oval Office Churns” (in this case, “DC” standing for District of Columbia)? We’ve already got President “Tweet”, “Dr. Evil” Bannon, “Cruella” Conway and “Angry” Spice(r). Incredulously must we now add Ms. “I can see Russia from my front doorstep (in Twin Peaks, Alaska)” Palin? My hands will barely permit me to type the name (she whose name shall not be spoken). This is truly another “Shock and Awe” moment. The only person I can think of that may remotely warm up to this most recent cabinet placement suggestion (and please God, let it only be a tongue-in-cheek suggestion!) is Lorne Michaels (creator of SNL).
I do admit that Alec Baldwin teamed with Tina Fey is absolute comedy gold, but even that isn’t adequate trade-off for the real-life absurdity of the potential situation. But as they say, ya just can’t make this stuff up.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Where Are All the Snow Drops?

If nothing else, the snow certainly is photogenic. I'm getting awfully tired of shoveling it, but I do like to photograph it.

Monday night's snowfall crippled it's fair share of the Transit fleet again.

It's gotten to the point that local snowmen don't know whether to stand up or
fall down, what with all the temperature swings.

We now have snow hedges at work. No pruning!

I had to throw in at least one abstract. Can you locate the hidden herd of Zebras?

Early morning light captured this bird's nest.

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Snow, Rain, Freeze, Repeat

The answer to my unasked question, "Was it about this time last year that I noticed Crocuses blooming?" arrived yesterday with flaky authority; snow-flaky authority. The answer may have been, "Yes", but this ain't no "last year".

We seem to be experiencing another major (I won't go so far as to label it "extreme") weather event, somewhat more solid in nature than the major rain events that befell this region last Autumn.

A telltale sign of cold inclement weather in Vancouver: four backed-up 08 buses
on Fraser Street.

It was pretty nasty for awhile last night.

A flash always changes the mood of a shot.

Six inches worth in the front yard this morning, and it's snowing again now (5 pm).
The current forecast calls for rain or snow (temp hovering around 1 degree Celsius) for tonight and tomorrow, followed by a high of zero degrees on Monday. Oh joy. Get those sidewalks shoveled while it's still slushy, is my advice.