Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The manager of our department had an interesting non-work related idea yesterday. He came in all excited that it was Sept.9, 2009.

So, what's the big deal?

In other words it’s 09/09/09. That doesn’t happen every day. "And furthermore, at nine minutes past nine in the morning it’ll be 9:09/09/09/09. Get your cameras out! We gotta get this on film!"

Pretty good idea actually. I wasn’t paying any attention to the date. I would have missed it completely.

And, wouldn’t cha know it, I was so engrossed in writing my report that it slipped my mind as the magical minute approached.

Suddenly a colleague exclaimed, “Hey, it’s 9:09!”

And my manager right away said, “Get your cameras!”

By the time I grabbed my camera, turned it on, changed the setting to close-up and aimed at the digital read-out on my desktop land line, it had clicked over to 9:10.


Then an expletive from someone.

No one in our department got the shot. All that build-up and we missed it by mere seconds.

However, I redeemed myself later that evening at home. I placed my camera on the coffee table beside my cell phone, upon which I stuck a Post-It note with the numbers 9:09.

Bingo. Here’s the result.

Now I have to wait a bit more than a year for the next opportunity; 10:10/10/10/10. Does this mean I’m a numbers geek now?

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