I was walking our dog a couple of nights ago around 6:30 pm heading west when I noticed how thin of a crescent the moon was that night. I remember from a few years back that I took an interesting photograph when a similar moon came into close proximity to Venus. I managed to get a pretty good photo at the time by steadying my camera on the eaves trough of the garage.
I quickened my pace and dropped off our dog at home and grabbed my camera to try for a similar shot. As it turns out this particular combination included not only Venus but Mars too. As I had walked home I noticed a faint almost blinking red speck just above the brighter orb of Venus. It appeared almost as a punctuation mark. Or to use a fishing analogy, it reminded me of a string of fishing tackle being trolled behind a boat, as if a thin invisible line was hooked onto the trailing tip of the crescent moon.
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