On April Fool's Day one really has to learn to filter sensory input, especially that related to the media. It's generally a fun morning however, remembering that officially this annual prank day ends at noon.
I happened to be walking through YVR that morning and out of the corner of my eye caught one of those scrolling headlines at the bottom of a video screen . It read, "...study says moderate amounts of alcohol not great after all."
If it hadn't been April Fool's Day I'd be starting to get a little annoyed. Not to go off on a rant or anything but doesn't it just seem sometimes that things you think you've learned over time get reversed on a pretty regular basis? I seem to remember hearing reversals on eggs, butter, cholesterol and now alcohol. Whatever happened to a glass of red wine once in awhile being accepted?
Next thing ya know some joker will be given airtime for declaring his study has now proven that "Mad Men" had the right idea after all, that smoking is now OK.