It seems incredible that its already April. I was in Fort St. John just before mid-March. There was half a foot of snow on the ground that I was told had just fallen the previous weekend and was the largest single accumulation so far this winter. Not exactly the greatest news for a review of a building and its site. For reporting purposes I got a lot of use of the statements, "Due to existing snow cover inspection of the (roof, parking area, landscaped areas) was not possible. Conduct relevant inspections when weather permits." Timing is everything I guess.
Once thing that always fascinates me in the northern regions (actually anywhere outside the Fraser Valley) is the ratio of Ravens to Crows. It seems to be the reverse of what it is in Vancouver. Here it's rare to see a Raven. In Fort St. John it rare to see a Crow. On this trip I came across 5 Ravens hanging out in the same tree.
Caw-cus meeting. |
And here's something you definitely wouldn't see often in Vancouver: snow clearing equipment on the airport runway. I don't remember the last time we had enough snow at YVR that would have required anything more that a blade attached to the front of a dump truck. This machine in FSJ must have been flinging snow about 40 feet in the air. Pretty impressive. The winter low sun angle made for an interesting shot too.
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