Shauna came across an interesting garage sale-style event while web surfing yesterday. Somehow I'd not heard of it before despite it being an on-going event for a week already.
The Empire Landmark Hotel on Robson Street is the second structure in Vancouver to feature a revolving restaurant in its penthouse. Unfortunately we've now missed our chance to dine there as the site will be redeveloped with two condo high-rise towers in the near future. In other words, that site's gonna get a big surprising real soon, implosion style.
Interestingly, there was a TV news report earlier this week profiling a huge sale that was slated to occur all week of everything related to the hotel. We only heard about it on the sale's last day, but decided it was a good rainy day outing, and a last chance to see one of Vancouver's "Landmark" buildings.
Empire Landmark Hotel |
Need a bar for your basement? Make'em an offer! What's the worst they
could say? |
Ever had the desire to host your own episode of "Iron Chef"? Again, make'em
an offer! |
Coincidentally, a walk-through such as this excursion turned out to be is exactly what I do for my job. I conduct property condition assessments, mostly for transactional due diligence, which generally involve a tour of a building from its roof to its basement, viewing interior finishes, heating/cooling systems, electrical systems, fire/life safety items, windows (for potential signs of leakage), etc. As such on this day, at least once I had to refrain from pressing the shutter for anything but an item of interest to me, not for the needs of report preparation.
Need any chairs for your next house party? Christmas party? Wedding?
Bar mitzvah? |
Despite the somewhat haphazard appearance of the linens room, we did
actually pick up a couple of new pillows for 2 bucks each. |
"Two fifty for a flat screen
A big smokin' deal to be clear
Happy hour, happy hour
Happy hour is here!"
(Intended to be sung to the tune of "Little Bones" by I think you-know-who)
If you painted each one a different colour you could complement your new
basement bar with a Rubik's Cube-themed refrigeration system. |
Twenty-fourth floor views of the "Shangri-La" and the tower of "he whose
name shall not be spoken", high altitude competitors both clawing at the sky. |
Twenty-fourth floor view of the West End and English Bay. |
Twenty-something-ieth floor in the direction of Coal Harbour and Stanley
Park |