Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Monday, December 4, 2017

When "the Earth" hits your eye like a big pizza pie...

Here’s another example of “I didn’t see that coming”. 

Perhaps Elon Musk’s monopolization of the headlines lately with his intended private industry rocket flight to Mars in the near future has had unintended consequences. Last week I heard about some bright spark in California that has declared he believes that "there's no difference between science and science fiction" and has decided to upstage Musk (OK, I added the Musk comparison) with a deep-fried space oddity; a flight in a homemade steam-powered (!!?) rocket up into the sky just high enough not to kill himself, to snap a photo to prove that a conspiracy of astronauts fabricated the shape of the Earth, i.e., that the Earth is indeed a big pizza pie.

Reminds me of a line once used in the long running tv series The Office:
"You must be 'this high' to ride the roller coaster." Would you strap yourself
into this thing? If nothing else, this guy's got guts.

One sticking point however is that it would depend on his believing in digital photography, and I seem to recall that that just may have been developed with the help of "science". Come to think of it, that denial of science might even become a sticky wicket in terms of old fashioned film photography. He might be better served by blasting off with a sketch book and crayons. If he does bring a camera, I hope he also gets a few good clear shots of the angels reclining in the clouds (laughing and pointing).  I’m sure word must’ve gotten out by now of his flypast. Better get your tickets now Angels, before the ticket-bots snap them all up and you’ll be left dealing with Stub Hub.

If I must admit to one thing however, and I really do mean only one thing that Trump's done well, it's been to draw the nut-jobs out of the woodpile.

Cartoon not used with permission, but hopefully the artist
will agree with the relevance.

P.S. (2018-01-05) I watched another video of Mad Mike over the Christmas break to see if there's a new launch date. There is; Super Bowl Sunday. He says he wants to be in direct competition of US football's biggest annual attraction. Hmmm. 

Also, he now says that the Associated Press article from a couple of months ago mis-represented him by saying he was doing this to prove the Earth is flat. Ultimately, he's the only one that knows why he's doing this. All I know is from what I read, and the AP article states that Mad Mike said, "He believes what he believes, including that the Earth is flat." and "I don't believe in science."


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