Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Sky Lights (not to be confused with skylights) :-)

Youtube is quite the resource. I don’t even remember now why I accessed it recently. But I got sidetracked and ended up doing some searching for an unexplained phenomenon I experienced this past summer in Zurich. We happened to be there to coincide with Zuri Fasche, which only happens every 3 years.

A main draw to the weekend festival is the massive fireworks display that spans two evenings. On the first night we’d set up our deck chairs too early; 10 p.m. instead of 10:30. I was on the deck, and the condo we were staying in was on a hillside enabling me an elevated view. Before the fireworks began I noticed illuminated spots on the north horizon close to the direction of the airport. I blogged about these lights in July and asked then if anyone could confirm if the illuminated spots were hot air balloons participating as part of Zuri Fasche. I received no replies (not that I’m claiming a huge  readership base, mind you).
If the Youtube videos I viewed can be trusted (which I’m finding easier since I saw what I saw, and photographed it) it would seem that quite a few other people have seen a similar occurrence recently. It makes me wonder how long such lights have really been visible since it’s only been in relatively recent years that cell phone cameras have been prevalent. These days if something significant happens, you can be pretty sure someone has it stored in pixel format.
I viewed some short Youtube video segments of similar unexplained lights in the night sky in Wiltshire, UK; Quebec, California and Florida. Last summer in Zurich I chose not to use video format to capture the images of the lights I saw simply because I was confident I’d get a better still-shot, and I didn’t want to run the camera batteries down to nothing not knowing how long the lights would remain in the sky. Plus I wasn’t thinking at the time the lights would end up being inexplicable.
Posted below are some screen shots from a few videos I watched, compared with what I saw in Zurich in July. Whether you believe me or not is irrelevant (to me at least) but I know what I saw, and the friends we were staying with saw the same lights that I did. Feel free to comment if you’ve seen anything similar. 
Wiltshire, UK

 Apple Valley, CA

Zurich, July 6, 2013.

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