Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Thursday, October 17, 2013


I’ve really got to coin a term for these things. Maybe Skynomena?  
Here’s another update on a skynomenon I experienced recently. Remember I described a bright slash though the dark ceiling of nightfall recently? Well OK; a meteor trail. (Reading so much Game of Thrones lit lately has inspired my attempt to step up my rote descriptions a notch.)
Discovery of similar accounts of lights in the sky recently prompted me to repeat the Youtube process for my recent meteor experience. And guess what? Someone else saw exactly the same thing I saw, but went a step further and was fortunate enough to have recorded the image. But interestingly, it wasn’t in Vancouver. It was in New Zealand!
According to the date on the video clip this occurred in 02/04/2012. (This date format drives me crazy. Is it Feb. 4th or April 2nd? I’ve seen both) The woman caller into a TV (or radio) program described it as thinking she was seeing the wreckage of a helicopter fall from the sky. But there was no sound. Just like the one I saw.
Another similarity is that both streaks were preceded by a greenish flash at the tip.
In the end, I'm no astronomer. Was it a meteor, or wasn’t it?
This Youtube screen shot looks exactly like what I saw, only the evening sky was darker.

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