Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Monday, September 9, 2013

Meteor trail over Vancouver

Last night while walking Tannah I saw the longest shooting star trail I’ve ever seen. I was walking north along Chester Street when my periphery vision detected a moving light in the sky above the houses. My vantage point was perfect to view this phenomenon in a clear patch of clear evening sky to the East.
Normally I’ve found with shooting stars that if you don’t happen to be looking directly at that point in the sky where the star enters Earth’s atmosphere, you miss it. From past experience I’ve noticed they generally occur almost as fast as lightning. By the time your brain registers what’s happening and you shift your gaze to that location, it’s already finished.
But this one was different. I had time to look in that direction, and to register what it was. The leading tip of it seemed to have a slightly green tint. I was half-expecting to hear the explosion of fireworks after it extinguished. But just as fast as I had that thought I realized the streak had been traveling horizontally through the sky, not rising or falling vertically.
This one makes up for missing the recent annual Perseid Meteor Shower.

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