Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Rain Run

We managed a return trip to the 5 km marker between downpours in the Mount Seymour demonstration forest. And I really do mean downpours. I was awakened at about 7 a.m. by the sound of the rain overflowing our roof gutters and cascading down upon the front walkway sidewalk. I was already composing my email to my co-runners that I would not be attending this morning. "There's rain, and then there's RAIN..." However, as I let Tannah out to the backyard at 7:15 the heavy rain had largely abated.

Note the fogged lenses. LOL.

Then later, sipping hot coffee in a North Van cafe, the heavens opened again after a flash of lighting and thunderous applause from the clouds.

My overall pace wasn't quite up to my goal of around 6 to 6:15 per km, but this is a social group after all. The point is not to leave people in the dust. However, the group as a whole did get a bit of an adrenaline rush to speed up at about the 8 km post. A loud crack of what must have been a substantial tree bough spurred us forward rather rapidly with visions of bears in our heads. This was the stretch where we saw a bear last year at around this season. I started to gradually speed up from there which resulted in a 4:33 pace per km for about the last kilometer. I think that's my fastest ever.

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