Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Gettin' All Beijing-y With It

It's day 2 or 3 now (I'm already losing count) of the forest fire smoke that's drifted into the Vancouver/lower mainland area from the interior of BC. Riding my motorcycle into work this morning I looked at the horizon and had the thought that if I lived in Beijing this atmosphere would probably be a pretty normal occurrence; or worse even.

Having never been to China I have to rely on news report video of how bad the smog can be in the country that supplies so much of "the West's" everyday take-for-granted products. It's actually a good kick in the butt for us consumers to be visually reminded once in a while of the by-products that are unleashed by massive industrialization. I do realize we're dealing with wood smoke now in Vancouver, not industrial-process emissions, but the end result is the same; smog. That throat-scratching, eye-watering smog.

At least it makes for good photos. We might as well enjoy a bit of positive take-away.

I couldn't resist photographing the couch this morning due to the orange
dawn filter. Fortunately Tannah sauntered past at the perfect instant to add
a bit of blur to mundane subject matter.

I almost missing the setting sun last night. I had to raise my camera way
over my head and brace it again against the eaves trough to capture the
dropping sun.

The setting sun at the back door makes the floor tiles
look like the old red ones that were in the kitchen when
we moved in years ago.

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