Life of Dave

Life of Dave

Monday, August 7, 2017

Our Little Hole in the Wall

Our accommodation in Beaune sounded quite intriguing as described by Jacquie. She told us it was built into part of the rampart wall surrounding the village and that Darren would have quite a challenge maneuvering the car into its assigned slot a short distance away. One of the main reasons they'd rented it for all of us was that it features a cellar, perfect for keeping Darren's wine purchases cool. Also, it has two bedrooms to help us keep our rental costs reasonable.

Here's the narrow alley approaching our modest abode on the left (where the
low roof is, beside the shingled portion).

A view from our deck looking back down the alley from whence we arrived.

The view of the main floor.
Here's Darren stashing his wine in the cellar.

Us in the cool, damp wine cellar. 

The is the access to our secluded deck.

Nothing but rooftops...

The neighbour apparently needs a new roof.

The last night of our stay produced an impressive lightning storm. I watched it completely illuminate the deck as if it was daylight. To look at these last two photos it would be difficult to discern which one was not a daytime lighting condition.

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